
3:44 PM

Doggy Coffee Date 101: Quick Tips for Dog Etiquette at Your Local Coffee Shop

There’s a local coffee shop just a few miles down the road that you frequent often. Sitting on the patio, sipping your latte, you notice that the patrons around you have their four-legged friends sitting quietly at their feet. You decide that you’ll bring your pooch along the next time you come for a latte. Not so fast! Before embarking on your very first doggy coffee date, read up on this guide to dog etiquette at a coffee shop.

1. Find dog-friendly coffee shops on DogEtiquette.info
2. Select the best leash for your pup here
3. Read more about proper outing prep on Barkpost
4. Teach your dog how to greet people politely
5. Master your dog’s public etiquette from home
6. Learn how to interpret your dog’s body language on CanineJournal
7. 10 reasons to scoop your dog’s poop from Petfinder.com

After reading this guide, you can order that latte with confidence knowing you and your pooch are adequately prepared for a coffee date full of tail wags and quality time spent together. Who knows, your pooch might find a four-legged coffee date of their own.

Author: Aurora James (DogEtiquette.info)

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